In the middle of this pandemic, more people are spending more time outdoors talking walking, hiking trails and enjoying parks. This increased outdoor time provides us with sunshine, fresh air and exercise but it also increases our chances of exposure to ticks. Reports of tick-borne diseases have been on a steady incline over the past few years. To make matters worse, some of their symptoms (fever, headaches and muscle aches, for example) are similar to symptoms of COVID-19. Protect yourself when you’re outside by checking these things off your list:
✅ Wear long-sleeves and pants whenever possible.
✅ Wear light colored clothes.
✅ Stay in the center of trails/paths, away from vegetation.
✅ Use an insect repellent with at least 20% DEET.
✅ Check your body & your pets for ticks when you return home. If you find a tick, here is a reminder on how to remove it safely:
In the meantime, you can find more information on ticks, what you can do to help control them and how we can help by clicking on this link: