Having nuisance wildlife living on your property is one of the most feared pest problems of homeowners we’ve helped around St. Louis MO. With smaller insects like ants or flies, it’s fairly easy to conduct your own DIY pest control, in most cases. However, when it comes to wildlife like skunks and raccoons, people hesitate to take matters into their own hands out of caution.
We’re here to tell you that this is the right reaction! Wild animals are unsafe to handle without professional training and must be dealt with sensitively. If you’re looking to learn the best ways to prevent and get rid of nuisance wildlife, read on for advice from the Blue Chip Exterminating technicians!
Wild Animals in St. Louis MO
Preventing wildlife problems around your home means learning about the habits of local species of wild animals. These are some of the most abundant wildlife pests in St. Louis:
- Skunks: Everyone knows why you have to be extra careful when there are skunks on your property. If they can find a spot for a den or something to eat on your property, they might stay.
- Raccoons: Although they don’t stink as bad, raccoons usually come in greater numbers looking for the same things as skunks.
- Rodents: Rats, mice, moles, and other local rodent species are probably the most invasive group of pests around St. Louis. Small enough to sneak through hidden cracks in your walls, foundation, plumbing fixtures, and roofing, they sneak inside our attics, crawl spaces, and other hidden areas of our home to look for food and warmth during the winter.
How to Prevent Wildlife Pests
There are several ways that you can make your property less attractive to wildlife in general. Add these strategies to your regular home maintenance routines to get rid of raccoons, skunks, and other local nuisance wildlife:
- Take your trash out often and use sealable bins. Keep your outdoor trash cans as far away from your home as you can.
- Clear your property of any yard waste that accumulates routinely.
- Keep your bushes and trees trimmed and out of contact with your house.
- Wash dishes and clean spills promptly. Make sure that your food is sealed and stowed away after eating, too.
Wildlife Control Experts in St. Louis MO
If these tactics don’t help you get rid of skunks, raccoons, or otherwise, tell your local pest control company about your problems. At Blue Chip Exterminating, our team of wildlife removal experts are licensed, certified, and trained to the highest standards of wildlife control. We can safely capture and relocate wildlife living on your property and identify the vulnerabilities that caused your outbreak. To stay pest-free in your yard, contact our team today!